Poetry~from my SOUL to yours

Red Goddess Flying

As I have expressed in my previous posts, my soul has been speaking through my poetry.

I have been inquiring into what it means to be LOVE INCARNATE?

That phrase resonates within every cell in my body, it makes my soul sing and cry all at once.

Delving into the soul world is something I am quite familiar with…

embodying my soul is something different all together, it’s what I have been yearning for all my life.

This is where it all starts AND where it ends.

 I am staring at my reflection and seeing my soul for the first time… and embracing ALL of it, ALL of me.

I share with you these words, some fragments, some poetic ramblings,

all these parts of me wanting to be seen, I am setting them free to set my soul aflight, she wants to FLY…

I will never be obscure like this

Perhaps that is why I write 

to make sense of this tangled mess

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that has warped my own truth,

kept me from mySELF

This is the ONE place where 

ALL of ME is ALLOWed

where I am safe to BE

and when I let you into this 

SACRED space,

I am set FREE


“I AM”

This is not about TRANSCENDing or ASCENDing

to some higher plane

I am ROOTed on this Earth that I walk on

GROUNDing deeper into myself

emBODYing the SOUL that I am