
Lately I have been thinking about connection, especially with the past few weeks of turmoil after Hurricane Sandy.

 What does it mean to be connected?  

Technology has become so imbedded in everyday life that we think about being connected through our phones and the internet.  But when the storm hit and power outages shut down or slowed down technology, we were forced to rethink the meaning of connection.  People reached out to family, friends and even strangers in need…finding a deeper connection with others that extends beyond cell phones and computers.

What does it feel like to be really connected, to ourselves and to each other?

Connection begins from within and maybe when we have no distractions,  no devices to stay connected to the outside world, we can find that true connection that is always there.

Today, I taught a private family yoga session with one of my tutoring clients and her mom.

My dharma talk was about connection and I began with this beautiful poem, which I would like to share with you:
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“Like Roots”

Our hands imbibe like roots

so I place them on what is beautiful in this world.

And I fold them in Prayer

And they draw from the Heavens light.

Yoga is a practice of Union, bringing together mind-body-spirit as one. 

We can find that connection to ourselves through the physical body and then channel the light within which connects us to the Divine.