Best Music for Kids Yoga Playlists

“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind,  flight to the imagination, and life to everything.” ~ Plato
Music is such a wonderful way to teach yoga to children!
Kids love to dance, move and sing. Music provides fun, playful cues for teaching yoga poses, especially for preschoolers.  Music can set the tone for certain movements, as well as guide them through a yoga sequence. The children in my classes have their favorite songs which they ask me to play every class and they love to sing along!  I like mixing up lively songs for stretching and fluid yoga poses with some soothing songs for relaxation.  I’ve compiled my favorite kids yoga songs on several fun itunes playlists for many themed classes.
The Kids Yoga Essential Playlist includes  the absolute MUST HAVE Yoga Songs for your kids classes.
These playlists are kid-tested and my little yogis ask me to play them in my classes all the time!
I am an iTunes and Amazon Affiliate and would really appreciate it if you use the links and Playlist links below to order your music.
CLICK this LINK  KIDS MUSIC PLAYLISTS to find some more ready made playlists of songs you can download from itunes for your classes or to use at home!


All songs can be found on Amazon or iTunes by following the links below.


Kira Willey’s Dance for the Sun includes my favorite kids yoga songs:

Dance for the Sun (perfect for teaching Sun Salutations)

Namaste Song (great for closing class and bowing Namaste)

Colors (a sweet lullaby for Relaxation time or closing circle)

Dance for the Sun also contains bonus yoga tracks with guided yoga sequences for the kids to follow along.

Yoga Child: A Peaceful Place Inside by Bingo Kids has lots of fun songs, movement, breathing and relaxation exercises to choose from.

Paint the Sky (A cool warm up exercise for stretching arms up and “painting” to the music)

The Butterfly and the Seagull (for Butterfly pose and flapping their “wings” in the air)

Savasana Song (prompts kids to lie down-“bellies, up, eyes closed, backs on the ground…”)

Snatam Kaur’s Feeling Good Today is a beautiful album which contains both lively and peaceful kids yoga music.

Two of my favorite songs are Longtime Sun and Make the Love Grow